Results for 'Wouter Van Rossem'

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  1.  8
    The ontology explorer: A method to make visible data infrastructures for population management.Annalisa Pelizza & Wouter Van Rossem - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (1).
    This article introduces the methodology of the ‘Ontology Explorer’, a semantic method and JavaScript-based open-source tool to analyse data models underpinning information systems. The Ontology Explorer has been devised and developed by the authors, who recognized a need to compare data models collected in different formats and used by diverse systems. The Ontology Explorer is distinctive firstly because it supports analyses of information systems that are not immediately comparable and, secondly, because it systematically and quantitatively supports discursive analysis of ‘thin’ (...)
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  2. Katern van de Vereniging voor Filosofische Praktijk (VFP).Kristof van Rossem, Catharina de Haas & Arthur D'Ansembourg - 2012 - Filosofie En Praktijk 33 (3).
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    Artists and the Public's Attention Since the 1960s: An Exploration of How Artists Seek to Capture the Audience's Attention.Patrick van Rossem - 2023 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 32 (65).
    Art historical research shows that artists, especially since the 1960s rise in museum and art gallery attendance do not always trust the audience’s ability to deal with their art. The choice for a performative aesthetic, for example, has also been a method for reasserting rather than—as is often thought—relinquishing artistic control. The article looks at aesthetic strategies developed by artists who desire(d) a more attentive look from their audiences. It considers works made by artists in the sixties and seventies. It (...)
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  4. The philosophical conversation: the basics.Kristof van Rossem - 2024 - Washington, USA: John Hunt Publishing.
    This book teaches you to conduct a philosophical conversation with precision, lightness and swing.
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    Small-Business Owner-Managers’ Perceptions of Business Ethics and CSR-Related Concepts.Yves Fassin, Annick Van Rossem & Marc Buelens - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 98 (3):425-453.
    Recent academic articles point to an increased vagueness and overlap in concepts related to business ethics and corporate responsibility. Further, the perception of these notions can differ in the smallbusiness world from the original academic definitions. This article focuses on the cognition of small-business owner-managers. Given the impact of small-business owner-managers on their ventures, corporate responsibility and ethical issues can take a different route in SMEs. The small-business owner-manager is able to shape the corporate culture and to enact values other (...)
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    CSR and Related Terms in SME Owner–Managers’ Mental Models in Six European Countries: National Context Matters.Yves Fassin, Andrea Werner, Annick Van Rossem, Silvana Signori, Elisabet Garriga, Heidi von Weltzien Hoivik & Hans-Jörg Schlierer - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 128 (2):433-456.
    As a contribution to the emerging field of corporate social responsibility cognition, this article reports on the findings of an exploratory study that compares SME owner–managers’ mental models with regard to CSR and related concepts across six European countries. Utilising Repertory Grid Technique, we found that the SME owner–managers’ mental models show a few commonalities as well as a number of differences across the different country samples. We interpret those differences by linking individual cognition to macro-environmental variables, such as language, (...)
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    A Small Business Leader’s Perception on Corporate Responsibility and Business Ethical Concepts: An Application of RGT in Manangement and Social Sciences.Yves Fassin, Annick Van Rossem & Marc Buelens - 2007 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 18:27-32.
    Recent academic articles point to an increased vagueness and overlapping of the concepts around business ethics and corporate responsibility. However, the perception of these notions in the entrepreneurial world can differ from the original academic definitions. The aim of this exploratory study is to uncover how the small business entrepreneur understands these various concepts. For this analysis, the Repertory Grid Technique (RGT) is used, a method with limited applications in the business and society field. Our findings partially reject the confusion (...)
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    Vlaamse actie binnen de CVP/PSC : de Groep van Acht.Wouter Beke & Karel Van Nieuwenhuyse - 2002 - Res Publica 44 (1):119-148.
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    Solidarity and COVID-19: An Introduction.Wouter Veraart, Lukas van den Berge & Antony Duff - 2021 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 50 (2):109-119.
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    Uncovering the realities of delusional experience in schizophrenia: a qualitative phenomenological study in Belgium.Jasper Feyaerts, Wouter Kusters, Zeno Van Duppen, Stijn Vanheule, Inez Myin-Germeys & Louis Sass - 2021 - Lancet Psychiatry 8 (9):784-796.
    BACKGROUND: Delusions in schizophrenia are commonly approached as empirical false beliefs about everyday reality. Phenomenological accounts, by contrast, have suggested that delusions are more adequately understood as pertaining to a different kind of reality experience. How this alteration of reality experience should be characterised, which dimensions of experiential life are involved, and whether delusional reality might differ from standard reality in various ways is unclear and little is known about how patients with delusions value and relate to these experiential alterations. (...)
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  11.  26
    FMTP: A unifying computational framework of temporal preparation across time scales.Josh M. Salet, Wouter Kruijne, Hedderik van Rijn, Sander A. Los & Martijn Meeter - 2022 - Psychological Review 129 (5):911-948.
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    Europa in Vlaanderen: een verkennende analyse van de impact van Europese integratie op Vlaamse politieke partijen.Gilles Pittoors, Wouter Wolfs, Steven Van Hecke & Peter Bursens - 2016 - Res Publica 58 (4):423-443.
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    How do European SME owner-managers make sense of 'stakeholder management'? Insights from a cross-national study. [REVIEW]Hans-Joerg Schlierer, Andrea Werner, Silvana Signori, Elisabeth Garriga, Heidi von Weltzien Hoivik, Annick Van Rossem & Yves Fassin - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 109 (1):39-51.
    The vast majority of empirical research on stakeholder management has traditionally focused on multinational corporations. Only in recent years, scholars have begun to pay attention to the stakeholder management concept in relation to small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The few existing studies in this area, however, discuss SMEs as a context free category or remain focused on single country analysis. This cross-national empirical research investigates SME owner-managers' perceptions of stakeholder management in six European countries. The comparative analysis is followed by (...)
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  14.  30
    Grasping AI: experiential exercises for designers.Dave Murray-Rust, Maria Luce Lupetti, Iohanna Nicenboim & Wouter van der Hoog - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (6):2891-2911.
    Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are increasingly integrated into the functioning of physical and digital products, creating unprecedented opportunities for interaction and functionality. However, there is a challenge for designers to ideate within this creative landscape, balancing the possibilities of technology with human interactional concerns. We investigate techniques for exploring and reflecting on the interactional affordances, the unique relational possibilities, and the wider social implications of AI systems. We introduced into an interaction design course (n = 100) nine (...)
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    Is attentional prioritization on a location where pain is expected modality-specific or multisensory?Charlotte Vanden Bulcke, Geert Crombez, Wouter Durnez & Stefaan Van Damme - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 36:246-255.
  16.  20
    Therapy-Induced Electrophysiological Changes in Primary Progressive Aphasia: A Preliminary Study.Jara Stalpaert, Sofie Standaert, Lien D’Helft, Marijke Miatton, Anne Sieben, Tim Van Langenhove, Wouter Duyck, Pieter van Mierlo & Miet De Letter - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    AimsThis preliminary study aimed to investigate therapy-induced electrophysiological changes in persons with primary progressive aphasia. The investigated event-related potential components associated with language processing were the mismatch negativity, P300, N400, and P600.MethodsA linguistic ERP test battery and standardized language assessment were administered in four patients with PPA of which two received speech-language therapy and two did not receive therapy. The battery was administered twice with approximately 6 months in between in each patient. The results of the follow-up assessments were compared (...)
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    The justification of conceptual development claims.Wouter Van Haaften - 1990 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 24 (1):51–70.
    Wouter Van Haaften; The Justification of Conceptual Development Claims, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 24, Issue 1, 30 May 2006, Pages 51–70, https.
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    Asking the right questions: towards a person-centered conception of shared decision-making regarding treatment of advanced chronic kidney disease in older patients.Johannes J. M. van Delden, Willem Jan W. Bos, Anne M. Stiggelbout & Wouter R. Verberne - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-8.
    An increasing number of older patients have to decide on a treatment plan for advanced chronic kidney disease, involving dialysis or conservative care. Shared decision-making is recommended as the model for decision-making in such preference-sensitive decisions. The aim of SDM is to come to decisions that are consistent with the patient’s values and preferences and made by the patient and healthcare professional working together. In clinical practice, however, SDM appears to be not yet routine and needs further implementation. A shift (...)
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    De opheffing van het bordeelverbod en de rol van lokale behoeften in het lokale prostitutiebeleid.Wouter Jans, Bas Denters, Ariana Need & Minna van Gerven - 2018 - Res Publica 60 (2):117-119.
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    Een crisis van de partijendemocratie?Wouter van der Brug - 2008 - Res Publica 50 (1):33-48.
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    Tien eeue leksikografie: Van woordelys tot woordeboek.Wouter C. Van Wyk - 1985 - HTS Theological Studies 41 (2).
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    How do students use their ethical compasses during internship? An empirical study among students of universities of applied sciences.Lieke Van Stekelenburg, Chris Smerecnik, Wouter Sanderse & Doret J. de Ruyter - 2023 - International Journal of Ethics Education 8 (1):211-240.
    The aim of this empirical study is to understand how bachelor students at universities of applied sciences (UAS) use their ethical compasses during internships. Semi-structured interviews were held with 36 fourth-year bachelor students across four UAS and three different programs in the Netherlands: Initial Teacher Education, Business Services, and Information and Communication Technology. To our knowledge, no studies appear to have investigated and compared students from multiple professional fields, nor identified the dynamics and the sequence of the strategies in the (...)
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  23.  40
    ‘Equipping students with an ethical compass.’ What does it mean, and what does it imply?Lieke H. Van Stekelenburg, Doret De Ruyter & Wouter Sanderse - 2021 - Ethics and Education 16 (1):91-107.
    The expression that professionals should be led by their moral or ethical compass is increasingly used by academics, policy makers, professionals, and educational institutes. Dutch universities of applied sciences (UAS), for example, explicitly aim to educate their students to become professionals equipped with a moral compass. This moral or ethical compass is a metaphor of which people intuitively grasp its meaning, but our literature review also shows that various interpretations are possible. We found three clusters of proposed ethical compasses expressing (...)
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    Het immigratie- en integratiedebat in Nederland: reacties op de opkomst van anti-immigratiepartijen.Sjoerdje van Heerden, Sarah L. de Lange, Wouter van der Brug & Meindert Fennema - 2014 - Res Publica 56 (2):275-277.
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    Aktuele Bybelinterpretasie in Suid-Afrika – ’n kort oorsig en toepassing.Wouter C. Van Wyk - 2011 - HTS Theological Studies 67 (3).
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    Teachers’ Ideas about what and how they Contribute to the Development of Students’ Ethical Compasses. An Empirical Study among Teachers of Dutch Universities of Applied Sciences.Lieke Van Stekelenburg, Chris Smerecnik, Wouter Sanderse & Doret J. De Ruyter - forthcoming - Journal of Academic Ethics:1-22.
    In this empirical study, we investigate _what_ and _how_ teachers in Dutch universities of applied sciences (UAS) think they contribute to the development of students’ ethical compasses. Six focus groups were conducted with teachers across three programmes: Initial Teaching Education, Business Services, and Information and Communication Technology. This study revealed that teachers across the three different professional disciplines shared similar ideas about what should be addressed in the development of students’ ethical compasses. Their contributions were grouped into three core themes: (...)
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    The contours of evolution: In defence of Darwin's tree of life paradigm.Peter T. S. van der Gulik, Wouter D. Hoff & Dave Speijer - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (5):2400012.
    Both the concept of a Darwinian tree of life (TOL) and the possibility of its accurate reconstruction have been much criticized. Criticisms mostly revolve around the extensive occurrence of lateral gene transfer (LGT), instances of uptake of complete organisms to become organelles (with the associated subsequent gene transfer to the nucleus), as well as the implications of more subtle aspects of the biological species concept. Here we argue that none of these criticisms are sufficient to abandon the valuable TOL concept (...)
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    Pieter M. Venter’s contribution to Old Testament Studies – an appreciation.Wouter C. van Wyk - 2014 - HTS Theological Studies 70 (3):01-05.
    The contribution that Professor Pieter M. Venter has made to the study of the Old Testament during his academic and ecclesiastic career is reviewed. After a brief biographical introduction, the article surveys the development of his research interests, focusing specifically on his contributions to the study of wisdom literature, narratives and narratology, second temple literature, the formation of the canon, and Old Testament Theology. The review concludes with reference to his way of practising critical theology, taking full cognisance of research (...)
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    Why direct effects of predation complicate the social brain hypothesis.Wouter van der Bijl & Niclas Kolm - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (6):568-577.
    A growing number of studies have found that large brains may help animals survive by avoiding predation. These studies provide an alternative explanation for existing correlative evidence for one of the dominant hypotheses regarding the evolution of brain size in animals, the social brain hypothesis (SBH). The SBH proposes that social complexity is a major evolutionary driver of large brains. However, if predation both directly selects for large brains and higher levels of sociality, correlations between sociality and brain size may (...)
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  30. Internationalist Utopias of Visual Education: The Graphic and Scenographic Transformation of the Universal Encyclopaedia in the Work of Paul Otlet, Patrick Geddes, and Otto Neurath.Wouter Van Acker - 2011 - Perspectives on Science 19 (1):32-80.
    During the interwar period, the encyclopaedia became a popular educative instrument for demonstrating knowledge. Within the field of cultural internationalism, the pioneer of documentation Paul Otlet redefined the encyclopaedia as a documentary product or as we would say today a "multi-media" product. This article discusses the exchange of ideas between Otlet, Patrick Geddes and Otto Neurath and shows how the graphic and scenographic demonstration of encyclopaedic knowledge at the beginning of the twentieth century applied the values of scientiic universalism to (...)
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    Power Changes and Self-Respect: A Comparison of Two Cases of Established-Outsider Relations.Bram van Stolk & Cas Wouters - 1987 - Theory, Culture and Society 4 (2-3):477-488.
  32.  26
    The ins and outs of lysophosphatidic acid signaling.Wouter H. Moolenaar, Laurens A. van Meeteren & Ben N. G. Giepmans - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (8):870-881.
    Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is a lipid mediator with a wide variety of biological actions, particularly as an inducer of cell proliferation, migration and survival. LPA binds to specific G‐protein‐coupled receptors and thereby activates multiple signal transduction pathways, including those initiated by the small GTPases Ras, Rho, and Rac. LPA signaling has been implicated in such diverse processes as wound healing, brain development, vascular remodeling and tumor progression. Knowledge of precisely how and where LPA is produced has long proved elusive. Excitingly, (...)
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    Attentional bias to pain-relevant body locations: New methods, new challenges.Van Damme Stefaan, Vanden Bulcke Charlotte, Durnez Wouter & Crombez Geert - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 43:128-132.
  34.  7
    Beter: hoe groene verandering een groot verschil maakt.Wouter van Besien - 2014 - Antwerpen: De Bezige Bij Antwerpen.
    Inleiding tot het groene linkse denken over de samenleving.
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    Co-liderazgo en interacción: Un análisis del discurso multimodal durante una reunión de un movimiento juvenil.Dorien Van De Mieroop & Jolien Wouters - 2020 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 30 (2):187-205.
    En las últimas décadas, las organizaciones se dirigen hacia un enfoque más igualitario, conforme a los ideales del ‘New Work Order’, razón por la cual los modelos jerárquicos con un solo líder ‘poderoso’ se hacen cada vez menos aceptable. Por motivo de esta tendencia general, ha surgido un interés creciente por una conceptualización compartida o múltiple del liderazgo, como el ‘co-liderazgo’. Sin embargo, pocas investigaciones se han concentrado en la manera en que se establecen constelaciones del co-liderazgo durante la interacción (...)
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    Christelike norme en waardes in onderwys en opleiding.Wouter C. Van Wyk - 1996 - HTS Theological Studies 52 (2/3).
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    Critical Thinking and Foundational Development.Wouter van Haaften & Ger Snik - 1997 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 16 (1/2):19-41.
    We elaborate on Israel Scheffler's claim that principles of rationality can be rationally evaluated, focusing on foundational development, by which we mean the evolution of principles which are constitutive of our conceptualization of a certain domain of rationality. How can claims that some such principles are better than prior ones, be justified? We argue that Scheffler's metacriterion of overall systematic credibility is insufficient here. Two very different types of rational development are jointly involved, namely, development of general principles that are (...)
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  38. Decision-making and medical technology assessment: Three Dutch cases.Wouter Van Rossum - 1991 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 4 (1-2):107-124.
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    Does Extreme Language Control Training Improve Cognitive Control? A Comparison of Professional Interpreters, L2 Teachers and Monolinguals.Lize Van der Linden, Eowyn Van de Putte, Evy Woumans, Wouter Duyck & Arnaud Szmalec - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Global and european business ethics: A personal view.Wouter van Ginneken - 1992 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 1 (2):143–144.
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    Health workers’ perspectives on informed consent for caesarean section in Southern Malawi.Thomas van den Akker, Jos van Roosmalen, Kelvin Kilowe, Felix Nansongole, Siem Zethof & Wouter Bakker - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-11.
    ObjectiveInformed consent is a prerequisite for caesarean section, the commonest surgical procedure in low- and middle-income settings, but not always acquired to an appropriate extent. Exploring perceptions of health care workers may aid in improving clinical practice around informed consent. We aim to explore health workers’ beliefs and experiences related to principles and practice of informed consent.MethodsQualitative study conducted between January and June 2018 in a rural 150-bed mission hospital in Southern Malawi. Clinical observations, semi-structured interviews and a focus group (...)
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    Politieke wetenschappers politiek betrokken?Philip van Praag, Peter Van Aelst, Ruud Koole & Wouter Beke - 2008 - Res Publica 50 (4):463-479.
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    Relativism and Absolutism: How Both Can Be Right.Wouter van Haaften - 1996 - Metaphilosophy 27 (3):324-326.
    This paper makes a small point concerning the contraposition of relativism and absolutism. Relativism need not be vulnerable to the self‐refutation argument; as for internal consistency both positions can be equally right. They are asymmetric, however, in that according to the absolutist only one of the two positions can be right, whereas from the relativist's viewpoint they can both be right.
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    Response to Charles Bailey.Wouter van Haaften, Michiel Korthals & Thomas Wren - 1999 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 18 (3):185-187.
  45.  42
    Science policy or social policy?Wouter Van Rossum - 1997 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 9 (4):103-112.
  46. The development of sociology in the Netherlands: a network analysis of the editorial board of the Sociologische Gids.Wouter van Rossum - 1974 - In Richard Whitley (ed.), Social processes of scientific development. Boston: Routlege & K. Paul.
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    (1 other version)The Duty to Support Learning Health Systems: A Broad Rather than a Narrow Interpretation.Rieke van der Graaf, Wouter van Dijk, Sara J. M. Laurijssen, Ewoud Schuit, Diederick E. Grobbee & Martine C. de Vries - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (1):14-16.
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    The nature of the conflict in Ezra-Nehemiah 1.Wouter C. Van Wyk & A. P. B. Breytenbach - 2001 - HTS Theological Studies 57 (3/4).
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    Wittgenstein and the significance of private meaning.Wouter van Haaften - 1995 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 14 (2-3):171-186.
  50.  14
    Waarom wijst zowel radicaallinks als radicaalrechts Europa af?Erika van Elsas, Armen Hakhverdian & Wouter van der Brug - 2017 - Res Publica 59 (1):122-123.
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